Tuesday, August 23, 2016


      The post title was my father's idea. So this has been the trip in further detail: We flew to Milano Centrale. *We call it MILA NO!! Centrale because our cat is named Mila* Then we took a long train ride to Venice. There was no service there and we were looking for a place that had wifi to get directions to the hotel when by some miracle *Chris estimates a 1 and 3000 chance* we found it on the same street about 1/4 of a mile down the street.
            We spent 4 days doing touristy stuff there such as visiting and climbing a tall tower called the Campanile and the bridge of sighs *which is ironic because it's the smallest bridge in Italy* and then headed off to a small town on the coast called Monterosso Al Mare where we bought diving masks. A couple days after we bought them, we went to a rocky beach in a nearby town called Riomaggiore and used the diving masks and saw something like this:
  1. About 7 jellyfish
  2. A ton of fish
  3. Monterosso Al Mare
  4. A 8-inch-long mussel shell
  5. Just as you got in (like 5 inches out) there was a huge underwater cliff so all of this was 50 feet or so underwater
My dog, Balboa

The next day, we took a train to Rome and visited our friends but all we did there was 5 days of walking around. We did the same thing in Florence where we stayed just 3 nights. *I have a fitbit. The last day in Florence, I broke my stepping record: 31,156* Then we drove to Tuscany in a rental car. Our hotel there had a pool that we swam in *a lot* and I invented a game called Leefle. My great great Aunt, Nikki de Saint Phalle was a famous sculptor and we visited one of her sculpture gardens. That day was 97 degrees and EXTREMELY sunny. Just yesterday, we returned our car and took yet another train to a place near Naples called Piano Di Sorrento where we have a beautiful hotel near a beach.
My cat Oobanana
Me at the sculpture garden in Tuscany


  1. It sounds like
    quite the italian adventure! Where are you off to next? Have you been sampling the pizza (vegan?) pasta and sorbetto wherever you go?

  2. I remember going to a restaurant in Rome and finding pets walking around the dining room. Have you many cats and dogs on your trip?

    1. Yes, a few! There are more dogs in restaurants here and we also saw a cat sanctuary in Rome but didn't go to it. -Otis
